About Us
FORMA GROUP is a commercial architecture firm established in 2010, specializing in innovative and modern architecture, urban planning, interior design, and project development in Israel and worldwide. We provide planning and managing services for private, commercial, and public clients. Our team of experienced architects and urban planners work closely with our clients to understand their vision and deliver exceptional results. Let us bring your project to life with our expertise and creativity.
Our Team

Evgeny Brick
Educated at Tel-Aviv University, licensed Israeli architect with 20 years of professional experience in architecture, urban planning, project development and management.
Evgeny Brick was involved in vary range of projects in Israel and worldwide (USA, Russia, Kazakhstan etc.)
Before starting his private practice Evgeny Brick worked at some leading Israeli companies – Plesner Architects(architect), Danny Lazar Architects and Urban Planners (project architect), ALM & Associates (chief architect, partner), Shoam Group Moscow - Partner
In 2004 Evgeny Brick established architecture studio Y2B Architects, the main activity of which was residential planning, interior design and design-build.
In 2010 was founded Forma Architects & Urban Planners.

Dan Fayutkin
Financial Director
Expert in the field of international projects development and management.
Experienced leader in different cultural environments.
Skilled strategist which transforms strategic plans into workable solutions and benchmarks
performance against key strategic goals.
Mr. Fayutkin worked as Senior Representative of the State of Israel in Germany and after that Vice-president at Jewish Communities Federation of Russia and at Fund of Jewish Communities Development in Russia.
Dan is former Senior Judge in the IDF Supreme Military Court (Tel-Aviv)

Robert Banovski
Partner, CEO
CEO,Head of Architectural Department- educated at Tel-Aviv University, licensed Israeli architect with 20 years of professional experience in architecture, interior design and urban planning.
Before participating Forma Architects and Urban Planners Robert worked at leading israeli architecture companies: Ruth Shapira & Orith Ornat Architects, Rami Gil Architects, GAB Architects.

Oleg Chernikhov
Head of Urban Planning Department – licensed Israeli architect with 20 years of experience in architectural, urban and environmental design. Before participating Forma Architects, Oleg Chernikhov worked in some of most progressive and prestigious architecture companies in Israel and Russia.

Ofelia Alayev
Planning Department Team Leader

Dan Gur
Head International Projects Development department.
PR Manager

Chaya Goldblat
Consultants manager

Ester Kotler
Office manager

Eliahu (Ilia) Tsibulski
Co-founder in Forma Group - development company
Director of Urban Renovation Division

Benjamin Kotler
Co-founder in Forma Group - development company